Every year, Northeastern has presented a week-long series of events that that have included lectures, panel discussions, artistic performances, and film screenings.

Robert Salomon Morton Lecture Series

The Morton Lecture has brought to campus a distinguished speaker to deliver the keynote Holocaust Awareness Week talk. The speakers have included scholars, authors, directors, lawyers, and activists. Northeastern professor Bill Giessen founded the series to honor his friend and fellow German native, Robert Salomon Morton, in a spirit of reconciliation and understanding.


Philip N. Backstrom, Jr. Annual Holocaust Survivor Lecture Series

Hearing directly from Holocaust survivors has always been a core of Holocaust remembrance activities. Dozens of survivors have told their stories to generations of Northeastern students. In 1998, the survivor lecture series was named in honor of European history professor Phil Backstrom because of his advocacy for human rights.


Annual Commemoration - President's Breakfast

Northeastern’s president sponsors a community commemoration that traditionally took place in the morning and features a faculty talk and a presentation by the Gideon Klein scholar.


Bill Giessen Film Series

Holocaust Awareness Week has included the screening of a film that relates to that year’s theme and has often included a discussion with the films’ creators. In 2012, the series was named in honor of Bill Giessen, the late Northeastern chemistry professor who had been instrumental in supporting Holocaust commemoration.
